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Super September Live Show

Feb 29, 2024
Our comany started our first live broadcast in September at 23:00 on September 1st. We took personal photos of salespersons and made exquisite live broadcast posters. Then We informed new and old customers and fans of our website in advance to watch our live broadcast. Because the live broadcast is relatively late. Our lovely colleagues prepared a lot of delicious food for the lounge. The boss invited everyone to dinner before the live broadcast. It was a happy and busy day. Let me show you some photos from the live broadcast .
Live poster
The picture shows our company's sales team. From left to right are Marvin, Leo, Thomas, Anni, Damon and Shawn. Leo is our boss and Marvin is the sales manager. There are 8 live broadcasts in September, each time there will be 2-3 anchors to introduce our company and products to our customers.
Refrigerator filled with food
Mrs Yuan and Nicole prepared snacks for our anchor, including instant noodles, zero cola, red bull, braised chicken drumsticks, fruits and so on.

Sample room during live broadcast

Photos taken during the live broadcast

Customer's message during live broadcast

Live results of the day 
We got the first place in Live stream highlights rankings based on popularity

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